The Path to Nibbana
July 12, 2020
Just passing by to tell you thank you for what you've done by writing your book. Not only for me personally, but for a lot of people online. You where right, the practice works 100%.
I think i had another vision after I wrote to you last, but besides that my practice has been extremely blissful, words cannot describe the abode of that pure peace and balance. I hope you're having a wonderful day, and again thank you for everything! H.T. Jan 2022
Just passing by to tell you thank you for what you've done by writing your book. Not only for me personally, but for a lot of people online. You where right, the practice works 100%.
I think i had another vision after I wrote to you last, but besides that my practice has been extremely blissful, words cannot describe the abode of that pure peace and balance. I hope you're having a wonderful day, and again thank you for everything! H.T. Jan 2022

JAMES V AMATORE 5.0 out of 5 starsA Sherpa through the labyrinth of the mind.
March 7, 2019 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
This is not an inspirational book. It is not a ’maybe I can achieve this book’. What this book will tell you is exactly where you are on your path to Nibbana, and what to do next. You will never regret reading this book.
Updated 2019 Edition published with added chapter that dives deep into the Jhanas. "Wow! Got your book. It is a major contribution. I already have used numerous quotes as references for my PhD thesis. I think it will really turn some heads around and help people immensely with their practice." M.J., VT"Beautifully written like one word flows into another ;written with such clarity..." from Amzn. review.
What is Nibbana? The experience and how to achieve it is in this book. Awakening actually is possible! This new book definitely says yes, but only if you add back in the step that is left out of other methods. And only if you follow the method laid out by the Buddha in his earliest teachings. Nibbana can and does happen with practice - and in this book you will be shown the step by step progression through the eight aware jhanas (levels of understanding) to the final cessation and the appearing of the unconditioned (Nibbana); and the incredible joy that arises afterward. It will give you the instructions on how to practice - even at home at your own pace.
This is a complete meditation handbook with all the instructions to achieve the goal and all of the levels of knowledge along the way. And now includes full text of "A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM)" and the full text of "A Guide to Forgiveness Meditation."
You will learn a different definition for Mindfulness that totally changes how you practice; and about a step in the text that has been left out of contemporary practices that is the key to the deepest levels of tranquility.
Learn the basics of Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) which is really the practice of Loving-kindness and the Brahmaviharas from the earliest Buddhist texts: The Majjhima Nikaya and the Samyutta Nikaya. This book will guide you from the beginning stages to the highest attainments laid out clearly and concisely. Many previous students’ experiences have been compiled and researched to create the basis for this book. Additionally, other popular methods are compared here against the suttas to see if they match the Buddha's teachings and lead you to the enlightenment.
David Johnson wrote this book based on his insights as a senior student under Bhante Vimalaramsi, a 30-year monk living in the forests of Missouri. He came from a career in Silicon Valley to learn and study TWIM for the past seven years at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center near St. Louis. He currently teaches Online Retreats and authored “A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation” along with Bhante, which is the detailed beginning instructions for TWIM Loving-kindness practice. More information is available at
What is Nibbana? The experience and how to achieve it is in this book. Awakening actually is possible! This new book definitely says yes, but only if you add back in the step that is left out of other methods. And only if you follow the method laid out by the Buddha in his earliest teachings. Nibbana can and does happen with practice - and in this book you will be shown the step by step progression through the eight aware jhanas (levels of understanding) to the final cessation and the appearing of the unconditioned (Nibbana); and the incredible joy that arises afterward. It will give you the instructions on how to practice - even at home at your own pace.
This is a complete meditation handbook with all the instructions to achieve the goal and all of the levels of knowledge along the way. And now includes full text of "A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM)" and the full text of "A Guide to Forgiveness Meditation."
You will learn a different definition for Mindfulness that totally changes how you practice; and about a step in the text that has been left out of contemporary practices that is the key to the deepest levels of tranquility.
Learn the basics of Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) which is really the practice of Loving-kindness and the Brahmaviharas from the earliest Buddhist texts: The Majjhima Nikaya and the Samyutta Nikaya. This book will guide you from the beginning stages to the highest attainments laid out clearly and concisely. Many previous students’ experiences have been compiled and researched to create the basis for this book. Additionally, other popular methods are compared here against the suttas to see if they match the Buddha's teachings and lead you to the enlightenment.
David Johnson wrote this book based on his insights as a senior student under Bhante Vimalaramsi, a 30-year monk living in the forests of Missouri. He came from a career in Silicon Valley to learn and study TWIM for the past seven years at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center near St. Louis. He currently teaches Online Retreats and authored “A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation” along with Bhante, which is the detailed beginning instructions for TWIM Loving-kindness practice. More information is available at
Hello brother David,
"Your book is superb! It is beyond excellent and stands a part from so many topical approaches to Metta meditation found in other works.
I am reading the book a second time now! The results transcend words! The insights shared in the book have clarified so many details about what I have experienced in my practice, like having a dusty window cleansed, letting the light shine brighter.
I am recommending this book to others and just received the next book on TWIM from Dhamma Sukha Center."
All blessings to you and all beings 🙏 c.l. VA, USA Oct. 2020
"Your book is superb! It is beyond excellent and stands a part from so many topical approaches to Metta meditation found in other works.
I am reading the book a second time now! The results transcend words! The insights shared in the book have clarified so many details about what I have experienced in my practice, like having a dusty window cleansed, letting the light shine brighter.
I am recommending this book to others and just received the next book on TWIM from Dhamma Sukha Center."
All blessings to you and all beings 🙏 c.l. VA, USA Oct. 2020
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The Path to Nibbana on REDDIt
Book ReviewReddit writers review and talk about the book (midway down the page)
Book comments page |
Crash Course IN TWIM!A reddit writer puts together a crash course on TWIM based on the book
Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation Teachers - Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center
Currently in Mumbai India - Website
Happy People
"Beautifully written like one word flows into another and it is written with such clarity. Highly recommended for those on the path." |
Tomi Stone-Davidson
Excellent step by step instructions for a successful meditation practice. So many dharma books seem to lack integrity in that they don't seem to come from a place of personal experience.
This book is different. It gives excellent explanations of Buddhist basics that directly show how they affect and are integrated to a meditation practice. It can be frustrating trying to follow meditation instructions that are vague and void of helpful insights. Mr. Johnson explains what "sign posts" to look for and how to advance in your meditation practice. I highly recommend this book and any books by Ven. Vimalaramsi for a refreshing perspective on establishing a meditation practice. |
By Great Book on March 16, 2017
Photo used under Creative Commons from bfishadow